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Employment and Training Services > Training and Education > Community college education and other classroom training
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Employment and Training Services > Training and Education > Community college education and other classroom training
Kundin, D.M., & Dretzke, B.J. (2016). An evaluation of the manufacturing advancement and assessment center (MAAC) program, final report. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota, Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement, College of Education and Human Development.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
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Hodara, M., & Jaggars, S. (2014). An examination of the impact of accelerating community college students’ progression through developmental education. Journal of Higher Education, 85(2), 246-276.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
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Rivera, M., Davis, M., Feldman, A., & Rachkowski, C. (2013). An outcome evaluation of an adult education and postsecondary alignment program: The Accelerate New Mexico experience. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 11(4), 105-120.
Topic Area: Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM)
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
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Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Implementation Analysis
Yamada, H., Bohannon, A. X., Grunow, A., & Thorn, C. A. (2018). Assessing the effectiveness of Quantway®: A multilevel model with propensity score matching. Community College Review, 46(3), 257-287. doi: 10.1177/0091552118771754
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
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Yamada, H., & Bryk, A. S. (2016). Assessing the First Two Years’ Effectiveness of Statway®. Community College Review, 44(3), 179–204. doi: 10.1177/0091552116643162
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Education and skills gains-Low-Favorable impactsEducation and skills gains
Bloom, H. (1990). Back to work: Testing reemployment services for displaced workers. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.
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Topic Area: Reemployment
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Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Education and skills gains-Mod/high-Mixed impactsEducation and skills gains
Visher, M., & Teres, J. (2011). Breaking new ground: An impact study of career-focused learning communities at Kingsborough Community Colleges. New York: National Center for Postsecondary Research.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
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Barnett, E. A., Bork, R. H., Mayer, A. K., Pretlow, J., Wathington, H. D., & Weiss, M. J. (2012). Bridging the gap: An impact study of eight developmental summer bridge programs in Texas. New York: National Center for Postsecondary Research.
Topic Area: Community College
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Education and skills gains-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEducation and skills gains