The veterans topic area examines a broad range of employment and training programs funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration and other organizations that encourage basic skills development, educational attainment, completion of training programs and/or acquisition of certificates or credentials, employment, employment retention, and career advancement for veterans. CLEAR assessed the strength of causal evidence provided in each study and summarized each study’s design, methods, findings, and the intervention examined.
Status: Literature reviewed in this topic area currently covers 1990 – 2017.
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CLEAR searches the existing literature for research relevant to this topic area's focus. Browse the most recently reviewed research below.
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
The study examined the impact of Disability Compensation (DC) enrollment and benefit amount on labor force participation and earnings. The authors also examined the impact of the expansion of…Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
The study’s objective was to examine the impact of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) supported employment on mental well-being as it pertains to everyday functioning (work or school life and…Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
The study’s objective was to examine the impact of engaging in transitional work on outcomes measuring competitive employment and income for U.S. military veterans with post-traumatic stress…Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
The study examined the effect of the Veterans Homelessness Prevention Demonstration (VHPD) program on the employment, earnings, public benefit receipt, and education and training outcomes of…Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
The study examined the impact of the Wellness and Vocational Enrichment Clinic (WAVE), a conventional vocational rehabilitation program with some elements of supported employment, on veterans’…Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
The study examined the impact of the expansion of health insurance for veterans through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in the mid-1990s (as a result of the implementation of the…Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
The study’s objective was to examine the impact of Veteran-Supportive Supervisor Training (VSST) on perceived health, functional impairment, job performance, and turnover…Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
The study’s objective was to examine the impact of adding Cognitive Symptom Management and Rehabilitation Therapy (CogSMART) to standard supported employment programming for veterans with a history…Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
The study examined the impact of enhanced incentives within an existing Veteran’s Administration (VA) Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) program on sustained abstinence from substances, transitioning to…Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
The study examined the impact of the Wellness and Vocational Enrichment Clinic (WAVE), a conventional vocational rehabilitation program with some elements of supported employment, on veterans’…
CLEAR Icon Key
Below is a key for icons used to indicate important details about a study, such as its type, evidence rating, and outcome findings.
High Causal Evidence
Strong evidence the effects are caused by the examined intervention.
Moderate Causal Evidence
Evidence that the effects are caused to some degree by the examined intervention.
Low Causal Evidence
Little evidence that the effects are caused by the examined intervention.
Causal Impact Analysis
Uses quantitative methods to assess the effectiveness of a program, policy, or intervention.
Descriptive Analysis
Describes a program, policy, or intervention using qualitative or quantitative methods.
Implementation Analysis
Examines the implementation of a program, policy, or intervention.
The study found at least one favorable impact in the outcome domain, and no unfavorable impacts.
The study found some favorable and some unfavorable impacts in the outcome domain.
The study found no statistically significant impacts in the outcome domain.
The study found at least one unfavorable impact in the outcome domain, and no favorable impacts.
Not applicable
Not applicable because no outcomes were examined in the outcome domain.
Favorable - low evidence
The study found at least one favorable impact in the outcome domain, and no unfavorable impacts. The study received a low causal evidence ratings so these findings should be interpreted with caution.
Mixed - low evidence
The study found some favorable and some unfavorable impacts in the outcome domain. The study received a low causal evidence ratings so these findings should be interpreted with caution.
None - low evidence
The study found no statistically significant impacts in the outcome domain. The study received a low causal evidence ratings so these findings should be interpreted with caution.
Unfavorable - low evidence
The study found at least one unfavorable impact in the outcome domain, and no favorable impacts. The study received a low causal evidence ratings so these findings should be interpreted with caution.