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Related Studies

Displaying 651 - 660 of 1220

Krueger, A., & Rouse, C. (1994). New evidence on workplace education (No. w4831). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

  • Topic Area: Low-Income Adults

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Moderate Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Community college education and other classroom training Other training and education


Huston, A., Miller, C., Richburg-Hayes, C., Duncan, G., Eldred, C., Weisner, T., Lowe, T., McLoyd, V., Crosby, D., Ripke, M., & Redcross, C., (2003). New Hope for families and children: Five-year results of a program to reduce poverty and reform welfare. New York: MDRC.

  • Topic Area: Low-Income Adults

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: High Causal Evidence

Health insurance Other employment and reemployment


Bos, J., Huston, A., Granger, R., Duncan, G., Brock, T., & McLoyd, V. (1999). New Hope for people with low incomes: Two-year results of a program to reduce poverty and reform welfare. New York: MDRC.

  • Topic Area: Low-Income Adults

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: High Causal Evidence

Other employment and reemployment Other training and education


Miller, C., Duncan, G., Classens, A., Engel, M., Hill, H., & Lindsay, C. (2008). New Hope’s eight-year impacts on employment and family income. New York: MDRC.

  • Topic Area: Low-Income Adults

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: High Causal Evidence

Other employment and reemployment

Anderson, T., Braga, B., Derrick-Mills, T., Dodkowitz, A., Elizabeth Peters, H., Runes, C., Winker, M., Okoli, A., & Spievack, N. (2019). New insights into the back on track model's effects on opportunity youth outcomes: Opportunity works final evaluation report. Urban Institute. [Comparison across three sites]
  • Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Employment and Training Services Employment and Reemployment Youth programs

Anderson, T., Braga, B., Derrick-Mills, T., Dodkowitz, A., Elizabeth Peters, H., Runes, C., Winker, M., Okoli, A., & Spievack, N. (2019). New insights into the back on track model's effects on opportunity youth outcomes: Opportunity works final evaluation report. Urban Institute. [South King County/Seattle site]
  • Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Employment and Training Services Employment and Reemployment Youth programs

Anderson, T., Braga, B., Derrick-Mills, T., Dodkowitz, A., Elizabeth Peters, H., Runes, C., Winker, M., Okoli, A., & Spievack, N. (2019). New insights into the back on track model's effects on opportunity youth outcomes: Opportunity works final evaluation report. Urban Institute. [Philadelphia site]
  • Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Employment and Training Services Employment and Reemployment Youth programs

Anderson, T., Braga, B., Derrick-Mills, T., Dodkowitz, A., Elizabeth Peters, H., Runes, C., Winker, M., Okoli, A., & Spievack, N. (2019).New insights into the back on track model's effects on opportunity youth outcomes: Opportunity works final evaluation report. Urban Institute. [Hartford site]
  • Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Employment and Training Services Employment and Reemployment Youth programs


Van Noy, M., Edwards, R., Haviland, S. B, McKay, H., Douglas, D., Mabe, W., Coty, V., Javed, S., Pardalis, N., Hubbard-Mattix, L., & Seith, D. (2018). New Jersey Health Professions Pathways to Regional Excellence project TAACCCT evaluation: Final report: Implementation and impact. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers Education and Employment Research Center.

  • Topic Area: Community College

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Moderate Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Capacity building programs Community college education and other classroom training

Van Noy, M., Edwards, R., Haviland, S. B, McKay, H., Douglas, D., Mabe, W., Coty, V., Javed, S., Pardalis, N., Hubbard-Mattix, L., & Seith, D. (2018). New Jersey Health Professions Pathways to Regional Excellence project TAACCCT evaluation: Final report: Implementation and impact. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers Education and Employment Research Center.
  • Topic Area: Community College

Study Type: Implementation Analysis

Outcome Effectiveness:

Capacity building programs Community college education and other classroom training