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Dougherty, T. W., Dreher, G. F., Arunachalam, V., & Wilbanks, J. E. (2013). Mentor status, occupational context, and protégé career outcomes: Differential returns for males and females. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(3), 514-527. [Study 1, Contrast 1: senior male mentor versus no mentor]

  • Topic Area: Apprenticeship and Work-Based Training

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Other wages and benefits Mentoring


Dougherty, T. W., Dreher, G. F., Arunachalam, V., & Wilbanks, J. E. (2013). Mentor status, occupational context, and protégé career outcomes: Differential returns for males and females. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(3), 514-527. [Study 1, Contrast 2: other mentor versus no mentor]

  • Topic Area: Apprenticeship and Work-Based Training

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Other wages and benefits Mentoring


Dougherty, T. W., Dreher, G. F., Arunachalam, V., & Wilbanks, J. E. (2013). Mentor status, occupational context, and protégé career outcomes: Differential returns for males and females. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(3), 514-527. [Study 2, Contrast 1: senior mentor versus no mentor]

  • Topic Area: Apprenticeship and Work-Based Training

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Other wages and benefits Mentoring


Dougherty, T. W., Dreher, G. F., Arunachalam, V., & Wilbanks, J. E. (2013). Mentor status, occupational context, and protégé career outcomes: Differential returns for males and females. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(3), 514-527. [Study 2, Contrast 2: non-senior mentor versus no mentor]

  • Topic Area: Apprenticeship and Work-Based Training

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Other wages and benefits Mentoring


Bauldry, S., Korom-Djakovic, D., McClanahan, W. S., McMaken, J., & Kotloff, L. J. (2009). Mentoring formerly incarcerated adults: Insights from the Ready4Work reentry initiative. New York, NY: Public Private Ventures.

  • Topic Area: Reentry

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Other employment and reemployment Reentry Mentoring


Crumpton-Young, L., Elde, A., & Ambrose, K. (2014, June). Mentoring practices proven to broaden participation in STEM disciplines. Paper presented at 2014 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

  • Topic Area: Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM)

Study Type: Descriptive Analysis

Outcome Effectiveness:

Mentoring Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs


Conroy, J., Ferris, C., & Irvine, R. (2010). Microenterprise options for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities: An outcome evaluation. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 7(4), 269-277.

  • Topic Area: Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Other training and education

Schaberg, K., Quiroz Becerra, M.V., Castro-Cosio, T., Nuñez, S., & Hendra, R. (2019). Microfinance in the United States: Early impacts for the Grameen America Program. New York: MDRC.
  • Topic Area: Low-Income Adults

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: High Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Employment and Training Services Training and Education Other training and education

Schaberg, K., Quiroz-Becerra, V., Castro-Cosio, T., Nuñez, S., Hendra, R., (2019). Microfinance in the United States: Early impacts for the Grameen America Program. New York: MDRC.
  • Topic Area: Low-Income Adults

Study Type: Implementation Analysis

Outcome Effectiveness:

Training and Education Capacity building programs


Hirsch, L., Berliner-Heyman, S., Cano, R., Kimmel, H., & Carpinelli, J. (2011). Middle school girls’ perceptions of engineers before and after a female only summer enrichment program. Paper presented at the 2011 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference.

  • Topic Area: Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM)

Study Type: Descriptive Analysis

Outcome Effectiveness:

Youth programs Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs