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Related Studies

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Hanser, L., & Stasz, C. (1999). The effects of enrollment in the Transportation Career Academy Program on student outcomes. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (Unpublished).

  • Topic Area: Career Academies

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Youth programs Community college education and other classroom training Work based and other occupational training


Phelps, M. (2012). The effects of hands-on activities on middle school females’ spatial skills and interest in engineering and technology-based careers. Proceedings of the 2012 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Education.

  • Topic Area: Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM)

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs Youth programs


Heaton, P. (2012). The effects of hiring tax credits on employment of disabled veterans. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation. Occasional Paper. Retrieved from papers/2012/RAND_OP 366.pdf.

  • Topic Area: Veterans

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Moderate Causal Evidence

Veterans' reemployment Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

Berkovits, S. M., & Alvero, A. M. (2019). The effects of monetary incentives on planned and unplanned absences in adolescent part-time employees: A cost-effectiveness analysis. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12(1), 162-166.
  • Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Employment and Training Services Employment and Reemployment Other employment and reemployment


Duwe, G., & Clark, V. (2014). The effects of prison-based educational programming on recidivism and employment. The Prison Journal, 94(4), 454–478. [Comparison #2: between post-secondary degree completion and no post-secondary degree completion]

  • Topic Area: Reentry

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Moderate Causal Evidence

Other training and education Reentry


Duwe, G., & Clark, V. (2014). The effects of prison-based educational programming on recidivism and employment. The Prison Journal, 94(4), 454–478. [Comparison #1: between secondary degree completion and no secondary degree completion]

  • Topic Area: Reentry

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Moderate Causal Evidence

Community college education and other classroom training Reentry Other training and education


Dyke, A., Heinrich, C., Mueser, P., & Troske, K. (2005). The effects of welfare-to-work program activities on labor marker outcomes. Institute for Research on Poverty, 1295(5). [Missouri]

  • Topic Area: Low-Income Adults

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Moderate Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Job search assistance and supportive services


Dyke, A., Heinrich, C., Mueser, P., & Troske, K. (2005). The effects of welfare-to-work program activities on labor market outcomes. Institute for Research on Poverty, 1295(5). [North Carolina]

  • Topic Area: Low-Income Adults

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Moderate Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Job search assistance and supportive services


Gelber, A., Isen, A., & Kessler, J. B. (2016). The effects of youth employment: Evidence from New York City lotteries. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131(1), 423-460.

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: High Causal Evidence

Youth programs


Twamley, E. W., Vella, L., Burton, C. Z., Becker, D. R., Bell, M. D., & Jeste, D. V. (2012). The efficacy of supported employment for middle-aged and older people with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 135(1-3), 100-104.

  • Topic Area: Older Workers

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Health Individuals facing barriers to employment Job search assistance and supportive services