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Related Studies

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Barrera-Osorio, F., Bertrand, M., Linden, L.L., & Perze-Calle, F. (2008). Conditional cash transfers in education: Design features, peer and sibling effects. Evidence from a randomized experiment in Columbia (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4580). Washington, DC: World Bank.

  • Topic Area: Child Labor

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Moderate Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Child labor


Barrera-Osorio, F., Bertrand, M., Linden, L.L., & Perze-Calle, F. (2008). Conditional cash transfers in education: Design features, peer and sibling effects. Evidence from a randomized experiment in Columbia (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4580). Washington, DC: World Bank.

  • Topic Area: Child Labor

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Moderate Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Child labor


Barrera-Osorio, F., Bertrand, M., Linden, L.L., & Perze-Calle, F. (2008). Conditional cash transfers in education: Design features, peer and sibling effects. Evidence from a randomized experiment in Columbia (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4580). Washington, DC: World Bank.

  • Topic Area: Child Labor

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Moderate Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Child labor


Barrera-Osorio, F., Bertrand, M., Linden, L.L., & Perze-Calle, F. (2008). Conditional cash transfers in education: Design features, peer and sibling effects. Evidence from a randomized experiment in Columbia (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4580). Washington, DC: World Bank.

  • Topic Area: Child Labor

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Moderate Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Child labor

Weaver, A. D., Allen, J. A., & Byrne, R. E. (2019). Coping with emotional labor: An intervention study. Management Research Review, 42(9), 1033-1048.

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Compensation and Workplace Conditions Health and Safety Other health and safety


Whalen, D., Gimm, G., Ireys, H., Gilman, B., & Croake, S. (2012). Demonstration to Maintain Independence and Employment (DMIE): Final report. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research.

  • Topic Area: Disability Employment Policy

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: High Causal Evidence

Health Disability insurance Supplemental security income (SSI) Vocational rehabilitation

Deng, S. (2019). Did Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act reduce the likelihood that people report employment status changes due to health, U.S., 2009-2017. (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Topic Area: Low-Income Adults

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Compensation and Workplace Conditions Wages and Benefits Health insurance


Bartel, A., & Thomas, L. (1985). Direct and indirect effects of regulation: A new look at OSHA’s impact. Journal of Law and Economics, 28(1), 1–25.

  • Topic Area: OSHA Enforcement

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Inspections Workplace injury


Steiner, L., Burgess-Limerick, R., & Porter, W. (2014). Directional control-response compatibility relationships assessed by physical simulation of an underground bolting machine. Human Factors, 56(2), 384-391.

  • Topic Area: Mine Workers and Mine Health and Safety

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: High Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Mine safety and health Workplace injury


Muller, L. Scott. (1992). Disability beneficiaries who work and their experience under program work incentives. Social Security Bulletin, 55(2), 2–42.

  • Topic Area: Disability Employment Policy

Study Type: Descriptive Analysis

Outcome Effectiveness:

Disability insurance Supplemental security income (SSI) Other employment and reemployment