Related Studies
Displaying 41 - 50 of 59
Jacobs, E. (2012). Returning to work after prison: Final results from the Transitional Jobs Reentry Demonstration. New York: MDRC.
Topic Area: Low-Income Adults
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-No impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEmployment
Hunter, S. B., & Huang, C. Y. (2014). Substance Use Treatment and Reentry (STAR) program: Final evaluation report. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
Topic Area: Reentry
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Employment-Low-Unfavorable impactsEmployment
Duwe, G. (2015). The benefits of keeping idle hands busy: An outcome evaluation of a prisoner reentry employment program. Crime & Delinquency, 61(4), 559-586.
Topic Area: Reentry
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Earnings and wages-Low-Favorable impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Low-Favorable impactsEmployment
Jackson, O., & Zhao, B. (2017). The effect of changing employers’ access to criminal histories on ex-offenders’ labor market outcomes: Evidence from the 2010-2012 Massachusetts CORI Reform. Boston, MA: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. [Study 1: Ban the Box reform]
Topic Area: Reentry
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Earnings and wages-Low-Unfavorable impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Low-Unfavorable impactsEmployment
Jackson, O., & Zhao, B. (2017). The effect of changing employers’ access to criminal histories on ex-offenders’ labor market outcomes: Evidence from the 2010-2012 Massachusetts CORI Reform. Boston, MA: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. [Study 2: Record access reform]
Topic Area: Reentry
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Earnings and wages-Low-Favorable impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Low-Mixed impactsEmployment
Cox, R. (2016). The effect of private sector work opportunities in prison on labor market outcomes of the formerly incarcerated. Journal of Labor Research, 37, 412-440.
Topic Area: Reentry
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEmployment
Duwe, G., & Clark, V. (2014). The effects of prison-based educational programming on recidivism and employment. The Prison Journal, 94(4), 454–478. [Comparison #2: between post-secondary degree completion and no post-secondary degree completion]
Topic Area: Reentry
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Mod/high-No impactsEmployment
Duwe, G., & Clark, V. (2014). The effects of prison-based educational programming on recidivism and employment. The Prison Journal, 94(4), 454–478. [Comparison #1: between secondary degree completion and no secondary degree completion]
Topic Area: Reentry
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis
- Earnings and wages-Mod/high-No impactsEarnings and wages
- Employment-Mod/high-Favorable impactsEmployment
Topic Area: Low-Income Adults
Study Type: Implementation Analysis
Bouffard, J., & Bergseth, K. (2008). The impact of reentry services on juvenile offenders’ recidivism. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 6(3), 295-318.
Topic Area: Justice-Involved Youth
Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth
Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis