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National Job Corps Study: Job Corps applicants’ programmatic experiences (Johnson et al. 2000)

  • Findings

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Johnson, T., Gritz, M., & Dugan, M. (2000). National Job Corps Study: Job Corps applicants’ programmatic experiences. Seattle, WA: Battelle Memorial Institute.


  • This report built on the process and descriptive analyses of the National Job Corps Study to understand which Job Corps program features led to positive results for applicants and participants. Job Corps offers intensive academic classroom instruction and vocational skills training to economically disadvantaged youth.
  • The authors investigated programs’ enrollment procedures, characteristics of the Job Corps centers, and program practices to identify those that seemed to be related to positive programmatic experiences for participants. The authors used data from the program’s management information system, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and surveys of program staff.
  • The study found that students who had admissions counselors who put the onus on them to complete the admissions process, attended smaller centers in rural areas, and had access to high quality vocational training and academic instruction were more likely to have positive programmatic outcomes than those that did not.
  • The extent to which staff and student populations had a similar racial make-up and gender composition, and the types and variety of vocational training offered, did not appear to influence programmatic outcomes.

Intervention Examined

Job Corps

Reviewed by CLEAR

March 2014