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Related Studies

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Brown, J. R., Kapteyn, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2016). Framing and claiming: How information-framing affects expected social security claiming behavior. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 83(1), 139-162.

  • Topic Area: Behavioral Finance: Retirement

  • Topic Area: Behavioral Insights

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Federal retirement benefits Behavioral interventions

Bertrand, M. & Morse, A. (2011). Information disclosure, cognitive biases, and payday borrowing. The Journal of Finance, 66(6), 1865–1893.
  • Topic Area: Financial Literacy

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: Low Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Other Behavioral interventions


Altmann, S., Falk, A., Jäger, S., & Zimmermann, F. (2015). Learning about job search: A field experiment with job seekers in Germany. Unpublished manuscript.

  • Topic Area: Behavioral Insights

Study Type: Causal Impact Analysis

Causal Evidence Rating: High Causal Evidence

Outcome Effectiveness:

Job search assistance and supportive services Behavioral interventions