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Firm Characteristics

  • Industry

    A classification of a group of companies that are related in terms of their primary business activities. CLEAR classifies industries by their 2017 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes, though industry definitions can vary by study. Other categories will be added as they are studied.

  • Construction

    NAICS code 23

  • Information

    NAICS code 51

  • Manufacturing

    NAICS codes 31–33

  • Size

    The number of employees in a firm

  • Small business

    A business that is limited in size and revenue. The definition varies by industry.

Target population

  • Low income

    Having lower levels of earnings or other income than other members of the population. Often, people classified as low-income live at or near the federal poverty level or have insufficient resources to cover basic expenses. This category typically includes recipients of public assistance and people who earn minimum wage. Definitions of low income vary by study.

  • Parent

    A person with a child or children

  • Veteran or military

    Classification of a person who currently serves or previously served in the military

Geographic Setting

  • International

    Studies conducted outside of the United States or studies that include the United States in addition to other countries