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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 results
- Skemer, M., Sherman, A., Williams, S., & Cummings, D. (2017). Reengaging New York City's Disconnected Youth Through Work: Implementation and Early Impacts of the Young Adult Internship Program (Report No. 2017-22). Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Topic Area: Low-Income Adults
Study Type: Implementation Analysis
- Weigand, A., Manno, M., Leshnick, S., Trekson, L., Geckeler, C., Lewis-Charp, H., Sinicrope, C., Clark, M. & Nicholson, B. (2015) Adapting to local context: Findings from the YouthBuild evaluation implementation study. MDRC.
Topic Area: Low-Income Adults
Study Type: Implementation Analysis
Holcomb, P., Ziegler, J., & Laird, E. (2011). Beyond a summer work experience: The Recovery Act 2009 Post-Summer Youth Employment Initiative. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research.
Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth
Study Type: Implementation Analysis
Grant, N. (2011). Adolescent perspectives of the ecological impact of a summer youth employment program. Doctoral dissertation. Wichita, KS: Wichita State University. Available at
Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth
Study Type: Descriptive Analysis
Bellotti, J., Rosenberg, L., Sattar, S., Esposito, A., & Ziegler, J. (2010). Reinvesting in America’s youth: Lessons from the 2009 Recovery Act Summer Youth Employment Initiative. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research.
Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth
Study Type: Implementation Analysis
Schwartz, S., Rhodes, J., Spencer, R., & Grossman, J. (2013). Youth Initiated Mentoring: Investigating a new approach to working with vulnerable adolescents. American Journal of Community Psychology, 52, 155–169.
Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth
Study Type: Descriptive Analysis
Jastrzab, J., Blomquist, J., Masker, J., & Orr, L. (1997). Youth Corps: Promising strategies for young people and their communities. Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates Inc.
Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth
Study Type: Descriptive Analysis
Britner, P., Buch, R., Colon, R., Milan, S., Singer, M., & Snow, S. (2009). Youth work and learn at Our Piece of the Pie (OPP): Findings of the formative evaluation of Connecticut's youth development model. Storrs, CT: Center for Health, Intervention and Prevention, University of Connecticut.
Topic Area: Opportunities for Youth
Study Type: Descriptive Analysis
Crumpton-Young, L., Elde, A., & Ambrose, K. (2014, June). Mentoring practices proven to broaden participation in STEM disciplines. Paper presented at 2014 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Topic Area: Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM)
Study Type: Descriptive Analysis