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Evidence rating

  • Low causal evidence

    Little evidence that the effects estimated in a study are solely caused by the intervention being examined, and other factors are likely to have contributed to the results

Outcome findings

  • Outcome findings

    Evidence of whether a study reported showed that the program or intervention of interest benefitted participants, was detrimental to participants, or a mix

  • Favorable impacts

    Effects of a study that benefit program participants. When a study has favorable impacts on an outcome, it finds at least one favorable, statistically significant impact and no unfavorable and statistically significant impacts in the outcome domain.

  • Unfavorable impacts

    Effects of a study that are detrimental to program participants. When a study finds unfavorable impacts on an outcome, it finds at least one unfavorable, statistically significant impact and no favorable and statistically significant impacts in the outcome domain.

  • Mixed impacts

    Effects of a study that might be both favorable and unfavorable to program participants. When a study has mixed impacts on an outcome, it finds at least one favorable and one unfavorable statistically significant impact in the outcome domain.

Target population

  • Discouraged workers

    Discouraged workers are individuals who are not in the labor force who want and are available for work, but have not searched for work in recent weeks. This definition varies by study.

Geographic Setting

  • Region studied

    The area in which studies were conducted, either in the United States or outside of the United States

  • Urbanicity

    The level of density of development in a particular geographic area